Passing away of a Stalwart Educationalist

Don Bosco Kalvisolai pays its tribute to its father, founder and patron Bro Joseph Das who passed away on the 25th August 2021, after taking ill due to health complications related to his diabetes. Bro. Das as he was fondly known, was an educationist modelled according to the heart of St. John Bosco his model and guide. He was a man of simplicity, prayer and self-discipline. A true son of Mother Mary and Don Bosco. An inspiring role model of the Salesian Charism. His contribution to the animation of both students and teachers is truly note worthy. He was indeed a guiding light for the educational mission of the province. Beginning with his role as teacher and Headmaster of many aided schools in the province and later as the founder of Kalvisolai, the animation centre for teachers, at Tirupattur, he continued to inspire and animate generations of students and teachers. Even during the thick of COVID-19 situation, he had the courage to go to a home for the old people in the slums and celebrate Christmas with poor and destitute people along with the staff of Niraivagam. Bro Das did very consciously and enthusiastically any duty entrusted to him. One quality that every Salesian and student who has lived with him would vouch for is the quality of being firm and yet truly loving and kind. As someone correctly said, “Firmness comes from the heart that cares.” It’s indeed true in case of Bro. Joseph Dass. The Province of Chennai has lost a great stalwart educationalist but it can be said that it has won a humble intercessor in heaven. May God grant Bro. Joseph Das the eternal reward promised to every “good and faithful servant”.