Butterfly Express

BUTTERFLY EXPRESS is an empowering mission to bridge the educational gap in rural communities by establishing well resourced libraries in village schools, supported by generous donations of books and funds from those who care to share. We aim to inspire in rural kids a love for reading, enhance literacy, and empower the next generation with knowledge and opportunities.

“Butterfly EXPRESS” symbolizes the transformation children undergo through reading. Just as caterpillars become butterflies, rural school libraries serve as “cocoons” where students emerge as confident and imaginative individuals. The word “EXPRESS” reflects the urgency of this mission, ensuring swift access to knowledge that empowers these young readers to soar.

Vision Statement
Empowering rural education through accessible and sustainable village school libraries, fostering a culture of reading and lifelong learning for every child.


1. Awareness Campaigns
Start awareness campaigns in cities and small towns. Use social media, host events, work with schools, and get influencers to help spread the word about the ‘Butterfly Express’ initiative.

2. Book and Fundraising Drives
Hold book donation events in schools and communities to collect new or used books. Partner with publishers and bookstores for donations and discounts. Also, start an online fundraiser to raise money for buying books and setting up libraries.

3. Library Establishment
Find village schools that need library resources, work with local officials and volunteers to set up libraries with a variety of books for all ages.

“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” – Garrison Keillor

4. Sustainability and Growth
Keep libraries updated with new books, train local teachers and volunteers to run them, and create a plan for long-term success, including ways to generate funds.

5. Community Engagement
Get local communities involved by hosting reading events and book clubs, create a volunteer program for city residents to help rural libraries, and encourage businesses and individuals to support the libraries through sponsorships or donations.

You can be Champions of Butterfly Express!!! Donate Books and Donate for Books. Join the drive to collect new and gently used books. Let’s together create spaces of Learning and Discovery, empowering young minds, making ‘pages become possibilities’ for the kids of our nation, India.

Team Butterfly Express
Fr.Y. L. Irudayaraj sdb
(School Headmaster)
Fr. William sdb
(School Principal)
Bro. Arun sdb
(Press Manager)
Fr. Mathias sdb
(School Principal)
Mrs. Vanitha
(School Principal)
Mr. Jesuraja
(School Headmaster)
Fr. Jeyaraj sdb
(School Principal)
Fr. John Britto sdb
(Director, DBKS)

Mr. N. Ram
Director, The Hindu Publishing Group
Dr. Jayakumar Reddy
Paediatrician, Apollo Hospital
Mr. Joshua Madhan
CEO, Covenant Group
Mr. Sam Prasad
MD, Hild Energy
Mr. Sudhir Peter
MD, Sheenlac Paints Ltd
Fr. John Alexander SDB
Vice-Provincial, Chennai Province

Donate for Books:

Name: Don Bosco Kalvi Solai,
Account Number: 0131053000040644,
Bank: South Indian Bank,
Branch: Lawspet, Pondy.
Neft Code: sibl0000131


(Donor’s Name, Address, PAN/Aadhaar required)
Avail 80G provision by donating to “Don Bosco Foundation, Madras”
(For details, contact The Director, Don Bosco Kalvi Solai,
9498050450 or Team Head, Fr Y L Irudayaraj, 7010710368)